- Several of rio 's top 20 investors privately threatened yesterday to vote down the deal .
- 力拓前20大股东中,有多家股东昨天私下威胁要投票否决这笔交易。
- Its members proceeded to vote down a proposed resolution decrying the sri lankan government 's disregard for civilian life .
- 成员进行投票否决了谴责斯里兰卡政府漠视人民生命的建议决议案。
- The vote could be close but -- rationally speaking -- investors should put personalities aside and vote down huang 's challenge .
- 投票结果可能会很接近,但从理性上说,投资者应该会把人品问题放置一旁,投票反对黄光裕。
- That will make it harder for opposition parties to vote down the budget of a minority government .
- 这也使得反对党通过投票缩减少数派执政党的预算变得困难。
- The salary issue helped to push the ruling party 's share of the vote down to its lowest-ever level .
- 工资事件导致执政党的选票份额降到了最低水平。
- I believe the onus is upon us to vote down the project .
- 我认为我有责任否决这项工程。
- Mr ozawa has said that the upper house will vote down any extension of operations not countenanced by the united nations .
- 小泽表示,上议院对于任何未得到联合国赞同的延长议案都会投票否决。
- Members can vote down any law without risking the fall of a government and snap elections : that is power without consequences .
- 在保证政府不会垮台的前提下,议会成员可通过投票否决任何法律,也可中断选举:这是不知后果的权力。
- With pro-establishment parties boycotting the by-elections and opposition candidates expected to vote down the government 's constitutional amendment neither vote is likely to have its intended effect .
- 在亲政府党派抵制补选、反对派候选人预计将否决政府选举修改方案的情况下,这两场投票都不太可能产生预期的结果。
- In january republican members of the house of representatives united with democrats to vote down $ 450m in 2011 spending for a second engine for the f-35 joint strike fighter even though it was supported by john boehner the republi
- 今年1月,众议院共和党人加入民主党人的阵营,否决了在2011年支出4.5亿美元来打造f-35联合攻击战斗机备用发动机的提案,尽管该提案得到了众议院共和党籍议长约翰伯纳(johnboehner)的支持。